Showing textual result based on score
To display a different text based on a score, you need to create a set of if statements.
Each if macro will display a different result. It's important that only one if statement is valid at once.
Let's say that the variable {{total}} contains the score you want to insert.
You'll end up with something like this
{#if {{total}} <= 4#}None-minimal{#endif#} {#if {{total}} >= 5 :: {{total}} <= 9 -[matchAll=1]#}Mild{#endif#} {#if {{total}} >= 10 :: {{total}} <= 14 -[matchAll=1]#}Moderate{#endif#} {#if {{total}} >= 15 :: {{total}} <= 19 -[matchAll=1]#}Moderately Severe{#endif#} {#if {{total}} >= 20#}Severe{#endif#}<br>
You can put the code above directly into your template or inside a container variable.
As an example, you can download the PHQ-9 template.