Apply formatting to templates

By using the integrated rich text editor, you can create templates that contain formatting and customize the style and colors of the text. 

You can even insert images and tables and hyperlinks. This works very similarly to Microsoft Word.

When creating a new template, PhraseExpander creates a plain text template (no formatting allowed) but you can toggle between the two formats.

To convert a template to the rich text


In the Design Tab, click on the Rich text button.   

To convert a template to the plain text


In the Design Tab, click on the Plain text button. All formatting will be removed.

Limitation of rich templates

Make sure you use rich templates only when necessary (you need to add formatting or images into the template) as they use a higher amount of system resources and they have the following limitations:

  • Interactive macros are not supported in rich text templates
  • Variables cannot contain formatting but they can be inserted into rich text templates
  • The insert template macro doesn't support rich text (when including a template inside another template formatting will be stripped out)
  • Macros cannot contain formatting
  • When opening a macro in edit, the formatting is lost (this is especially important for section and if macros)
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